Drum and Thigh Deboner
The Drum and Thigh Deboner is specially designed to debone dark meat, meaning thighs and drums, in a cost-effective and efficient manner. The machine is based on the industry-tested “diaphragm” principle. The main parts of the deboning units are a rubber disc with a hole in it – the diaphragm – and a metal shaft which debones the meat. The anatomical cut thighs are placed on the diaphragms. The shaft then extrudes downwards to press the bone out of the thigh. The disc retains the meat, while the bone is pushed through the hole. In this process almost all meat is stripped off the bone, resulting in minimal meat loss during deboning. Efficient deboning allow for greater profitability.
The drum and thigh deboner:
- Deboning capacity of up to 2400 pieces per hour
- the drum and thigh deboner is rotating, and has 12 units, and 12 diaphragms
- The drum and thigh deboner enclosure allows for a safe operation and meets modern safety standards and regulations.
- Its construction allows for easy unloading of thighs and drums in crates or bins or a conveyor for product out-flow.
- Designed with improved ergonomics in mind, cleaning and maintenance can be carried out easy and quickly.
- Optional knuckle saw device to allow for drumstick cutting on the same deboner
- Different size diaphragms can be utilized to accommodate for various thigh and drumstick sizes
the diaphragm can lasts 1 week, using proper, anatomical removed thighs.
If the machine is loaded with miscut thighs (resulting with sharp knuckles, broken bones) the rubber will tear, and needs to be removed quicker.
Attention, you must cut your birds a
cut-up line with an anatomical leg processor, and with a anatomical drum/thigh cutter.
when the drum and thigh deboner is loaded with misscut thighs (resulting with sharp knuckles, broken bones) the rubber will tear, and needs to be removed quicker.
the drum and thigh deboner can handle thighs in a weight range from 80 to 250 grams/piece.
- note: the legs/thighs will have to have the back-piece removed./ so a leg of an anatomically cut thigh, not from a leg-quarter
- The range to be process in 1 batch should be in a 15% +- weight range (between minimum and maximum)
The diaphragm to be used depends on the thigh size and maturation, there are models with 10-11-12-14-15mm
Drums normally require a bigger size than thighs
- the drum and thigh deboner will be delivered with a set of 5 different diaphragms, to test which type suits you best

剔骨處理量高達 2400 塊/小時
棒腿和腿仁去骨機是一種圓形旋轉設計,有 12 個去骨軸元件和 12 個隔膜
如果使用正確的操作方式上切除的腿肉,隔膜可以持續 1 週。
棒腿和腿仁剔骨機可處理重量範圍為 80 至 250 克/塊的腿肉。
每批次加工重量範圍內範圍應在 15% +-(最小值和最大值之間)
棒腿和腿仁去骨機將配有一組 5 種不同尺寸的隔膜,以測試哪種類型最適合您的生產操作